Storage for Staff


UNSW Staff have a number of storage options available to them.

For information on Home Drive move to OneDrive changes go here

The table below outlines the available options and their features to help you select the most suitable option for your needs.


Feature MS OneDrive & Teams Local Storage (e.g. USB, Hard Drives)

Shared Network Drive (FSAM)

Data Classification

Highly Sensitive Data

Sensitive Data

Private Data

Public Data

Public Data

Private Data

Public Data

Stored in Australia
Backup & Disaster Recovery
Syncing with Local Copy
n/a n/a
External Collaborator Access
Storage Limit

Starting at

5 TB

depends Unlimited
Version Control
Recovery from Deletion 60 Days
10 days
Post-Project Data Retention > 7 years depends > 7 years


OneDrive connects you to all your files in Office 365 so you can share and work together from anywhere while protecting your work.

All new users from UNSW will have a default storage quota of 5 TB.

Suitable for:

  • Day-to-day project storage and collaborations with UNSW and non-UNSW personnel
  • Appropriate for research data classified from Public to Highly Sensitive
  • Data is retained for at least 7 years
  • Deleted data can be recovered within 60 days

To learn more about OneDrive for UNSW Students and Staff follow the link

File System Access Management (FSAM) is a self-service interface that allows users to manage and control access to folders within the UNSW Enterprise File System. Users can manage membership of the groups attached to folders within the file system. An option is also available to create email distribution lists based around file system groups.

To learn more about FSAM follow the link.

Self Help Guides

When accessing a network drive from off campus, such as your Home drive (also known as your H drive) or shared network drive (also known as the OneUNSW or I & J drives), you must first be connected to the UNSW VPN service.

For more information on how to access the UNSW VPN Service, click here.

Please note that in order to map your home drive (H drive) you will require your unique H drive file path. You can request your unique file path from IT by submitting a service request.

Step 1 - Open or search for “This PC” from the Start Menu.

Step 2 - At the top of the window that appears, click on the Computer tab, then click Map network drive.

Windows 10 - Map network drive

Step 3 - Select a preferred drive letter (recommended drive letter is I), then in the Folder field, enter in \\\OneUNSW

Windows 10 Map Network Drive window

Tick “Reconnect at sign in” if you don’t want to manually map the shared drive every time you log off or shut down your computer. 

You may also need to tick “Connect using different credentials”, if you're using a personal or non-managed computer.

Step 4 - If prompted for a username and password, please enter the following:

  • Username: ADUNSW\zID (for example: ADUNSW\z1234567)
  • Password: your UNSW password

You can choose to save your credentials so you don’t have to enter them in each time you connect to the shared network drive. Select this only if you are using your own computer. You should not select this if you are using a public or untrusted computer such as those in libraries and internet cafes.

If you choose to save your credentials, you’ll need to remember to update the saved credentials in Credential Manager whenever you change your UNSW password to avoid your account locking out.

You should now be connected to the shared network drive.

Step 1 - Open Finder.

Step 2 - Click on the Go Menu in the menu at the top of the screen, and select Connect To Server.

macOS Connect to Server Menu

Step 3 - In the Server Address field, enter in smb://

macOS Connect to Server window

You may click on the + button to add this to your Favourite Servers list.

Step 4 - If prompted, click on Connect to continue.

macOS Connect to Server Attempt Message

Step 5 - If you are asked to enter in a username and password:

  • Connect As: Registered User
  • Name: your zID (e.g. z1234567)
  • Password: your UNSW password

Then click Connect.

macOS Connect to Server Credential Prompt

You can choose to save your credentials by ticking "Remember this password in my keychain" so you don’t have to enter them in each time you connect to the shared network drive. Select this only if you are using your own computer. You should not select this if you are using a public or untrusted computer such as those in libraries and internet cafes.

If you choose to save your credentials, you’ll need to remember to update the saved credentials in Keychain Access whenever you change your UNSW password to avoid your account locking out.

You should now be connected to the shared network drive.

Note: These instructions were written for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The method for connecting to a shared network drive may vary if you are using a different Linux distribution.

Step 1 - Open the Files application.

Step 2 - Click on Other Locations in the Sidebar.

If you do not see the Sidebar, click on Files near the top of the screen, then click on Sidebar in the menu that appears, or press the F9 key on your keyboard.

Linux Ubuntu - Files Sidebar

Step 3 - In the Connect to Server field, enter in: smb://

Linux Ubuntu - Files window

Step 4 - If you are asked to enter in a username and password:

  • Connect As: Registered User
  • Username: your zID (e.g. z1234567)
  • Domain: ADUNSW
  • Password: your UNSW password

Then click Connect.

Linux Ubuntu - FIles credentials

You can choose to save your credentials by selecting "Remember password until you logout" or "Remember forever" so you don’t have to enter them in each time you connect to the shared network drive. Select this only if you are using your own computer. You should not select this if you are using a public or untrusted computer such as those in libraries and internet cafes.

If you choose to save your credentials using the "Remember forever" option, you’ll need to remember to update the saved credentials in Passwords and Keys whenever you change your UNSW password to avoid your account locking out.

You should now be connected to the shared network drive.

To prevent unnecessary strain on the UNSW IT storage system while working from home, please refrain from performing large file deletions in your home and shared drives.

Simultaneous large file deletions are known to potentially cause performance issues. It is encouraged that you delete your files in small increments instead. Please delete no more than 5 GB at a time.

This does not apply to cloud based storage via OneDrive and SharePoint. 

Right click on the file/folder and select Properties 

Check File Size
